It’s not always easy to invoice all customers equally quickly. One customer wants quarterly deposit invoices, another wants to pay the fixed costs in advance and charge the variable costs to a sister company, yet another wants everything perfectly assigned to each internal department, and so on. And things can soon get complicated when you’re dealing with fixed prices, usage costs, volume discounts, subscriptions, plus time and materials projects – all for the same customer.
NetSuite SuiteBilling always offers simple solutions for dealing with complicated situations like this. The possibilities for configuring invoicing parameters in NetSuite are almost endless – which prevents mistakes, limits manual administrative work, and ensures invoices are sent out faster.
All invoicing scenarios
The SuiteBilling module from NetSuite has a set of rules for all invoicing possibilities. This means you can – for one customer on one invoice – combine different types of invoicing models such as fixed prices and special offers, including surcharges and reductions, usage rates with bulk discounts, time and materials arrangements, margins on purchases, deposits and credits, day rates, payments in instalments based on delivery, end-of-year rebates, subscriptions, and so on…
Individual departments often want the same customer to invoice them differently. One department wants a monthly invoice, another prefers to work with deposit invoices, you can’t invoice another without an order number, and so on. So if you’ve sold extras such as workshops on top of your fixed-price projects, for example – let alone if you want to bill several ongoing projects clearly on just one monthly invoice – you’re going to need some good invoicing software.
Companies are also increasingly using subscription models to deliver services. Maybe your organisation is working with monthly subscriptions, possibly with a variable component according to usage? Applying all kinds of discounts and credits, for example, or lower prices per unit depending on volume, can all create big invoicing challenges.

SuiteBilling to the rescue
With NetSuite SuiteBilling, every possible scenario – however exceptional – can be easily documented and invoiced. This NetSuite module streamlines all invoicing activities and provides a clear overview of all settings. Any changes in recurring invoices are easy to implement. You can pause or extend an existing billing cycle, or expand or reduce your services, in just a few clicks. And updating prices or quantities is easy, too.
Every change you make is saved automatically, so any mistakes are rectified quickly and easily without any discussion. Finally, NetSuite SuiteBilling also has a real-time dashboard that can be personalised for every user – to display all the most important financial data such as monthly recurring payments, total contract values, and more.
Annual subscriptions and credits booked correctly
If you work with prepaid annual subscriptions or credits, it’s best to book this revenue correctly over time, and so not include it all as income just in the month of invoicing. Our software can process all these details for your accounting, either automatically or based on preconfigured rules.
What does Dynappco do for you?
Dynappco implements NetSuite SuiteBilling in your organisation. We help you to customise and configure your invoicing processes so that you have a clear set of rules for all scenarios with all customers. If a scenario is so specific that it cannot be configured as a standard feature in SuiteBilling, our consultants can even customise the software to make it possible, for example by adding extra information fields. NetSuite has been developed so that modifications such as this are automatically included in every software update. Dynappco ensures your entire invoicing process is configured correctly in NetSuite SuiteBilling.
Main benefits of this software module:
- Standard rates with possible discounts according to volume, tiered or not
- Prices including any discounts and rebates per customer
- Streamlined recurring invoices with option to renew automatically, and settings for temporary exceptions or suspensions
- Manage subscription lifecycles with flexible change orders
- Invoice projects according to any model
- Seamless consolidation of costs across multiple projects and subscriptions
- Real-time insights into all billing activities
Want to look at all this in more detail?
If your organisation uses complicated and/or recurring invoices, you can simplify your processes and stop wasting valuable time. Get in touch to arrange a personalised demo to explain how NetSuite SuiteBilling works.